Angie Barnes, NAVCO

Angie Barnes

Executive Vice President, Sales


Angie Barnes has 25 years of experience in the security business in cash logistics and physical security. She has held positions in strategic sales for Brink’s Inc., in the cash logistics space, managing their largest national customer portfolio. Over the last 18 years here at NAVCO, Barnes has held positions in business development and served as director of marketing, vice president of sales and now executive vice president of sales. Her focus has been on the coaching and development of people and increasing business opportunities for NAVCO’s strategic growth in the United States.


The Future of the Security Integrator

Wednesday, October 18th

Integrators today are facing major upheavals. Artificial intelligence solutions are on the horizon, requiring enormous skill changes for field staff and potentially creating a more direct relationship between manufacturers and integrators’ clients. End user buyers are simultaneously moving steadily to cloud-based services, further creating the possibility that the software vendor will be more involved with your clients. And hiring skilled talent is tougher than ever, which is limiting some integrators’ ability to take on new projects or clients in other destinations. How are top integrators navigating these changes and not only retaining their value but adding new value in today’s changing marketplace?